4potentials gör det enkelt för de företag som vill synas på talangmarknaden – och som vill se konkreta resultat till en lägre kostnad. För endast 15000 kr/månaden syns alla våra partners mot ca 800 000 talanger – allt från toppstudenter till erfarna framgångsrika ledare eller unika specialister. 4potentials är Sveriges största levande, professionella och personliga nätverk.
För 15000 kr/månaden säkrar ni upp att alla Sveriges talanger ser er! Har ni råd att stå utanför? Vi vill göra det enkelt för företag att hoppa PÅ eller AV en talangmarknad – därför kan man köpa tjänsten per månad. De flesta företag är dock med flera eller år.
Sedan 2010 har flera företag valt att teckna denna form av samarbete. Enkelt, Exklusivt och prisvärt!
Med 4potentials månatliga abbonemangspartnerskap får ni som företag:
- EXCLUSIVE PARTNERSHIP – You will be one of a maximum of 24 unique national partners.
- Talking only about you with 10000+ top talent. Before talking and present you we need a short update and introduction of your company. How should we sell you to potential employees?
- MARKETING. Partner page at 4potentials web. – You will be presented in a exclusive way .
- University marketing with presentation of all partners at universities and other networks
- 4potentials market partner companies via our homepage, in the interview process, ranking list and in our newsletter to members – POTENTIAL.
- NETWORKING – Your company receive 3 free memberships in 4potentials network a year. A chance for your Top employees to develop and create new networks.
- You may participate as a “member” on our Appointment4you events (afterworks). Normally we arrange some events per year. Some extra cost for attending this event as a company with roll-ups, company table etc, presentation and logos. For every event we will present the low cost to attend as a company.
- Partner meetings, lunches or dinner. Talking about HR or Talent with other partners
- TALENT KNOWLEDGE – We gather partner and client companies to discuss recent trends in the field of talent management. As a partner, you have 3 reserved invites for this event.
- The Top Talent ranking lists – 2 times a year. (April and October)
- 3 hours HR and Talent consulting is included in the agreements a year. That could be a meeting about your talent strategy.
- As a partner you have a bigger chance to become ÅRETS TALANGFÖRETAG because you market your company against talents
- RECRUITING – Talent pool with up-dated candidates especially for your direct need. During the year, we will meet talented candidates who are interested in your company. We will collect these candidates in our database – and you could later contact them through separated search missions. (not for free)
- One email a year to present you when you start the co-operation including a link to your job and company career page
- Continuous candidate outlook – If the client recruits a candidate who we send over – spontaneously during the partnership period – the client pays only 50 000 SEK/recruited candidates. This is only for candidates who haven’t been in an interview with the client within the last 1.5 years or a candidate who the client met through a 4p event. If the client has been presented from us – the partnership year before – we charge you 50000 SEK/recruited.
- ONE (1) job ad includes for free – every month! 4potentials takes care of the advertising. We ask which ads – and after that we take care of everything. Applicants will apply to the client
You can start and stop the co-operation when you want to!
If you become a partner you can buy the below services:
Search mission 22% of annal salary
Available when clients want to recruit higher executives or specialist. Within 20 working days from accepted candidate profile, your company will be presented with 3 candidates. 30% in a starting fee, 30% in presentation and 40% when the candidate signs an offer.
Extra Partner jobs at your partner page – and at the job page 9990 sek/per ad (normal prize 15000 sek)
The above agreement is a subscription agreement. The customer can cancel it at any time. No notice period. To be a partner, the customer pays only SEK 15,000 every month. Invoicing takes place on the 1st of each month. If the customer has not canceled before invoicing, the client must pay the invoice.